Baptism is the introduction of a person into the Church community. Through the waters of Baptism the person enters into the life of God - Father, Son and Spirit. He or she is dedicated to God and all that is good.
Essential Forms
To register for baptism at St. Michael's Parish, please download and complete the Baptism Booking form as well as the Parish Census card and email it to A copy of the Birth Certificate is also required.
Important Considerations
Please note that children up to age 7 can be baptised as infants. Children aged 7 years and above are required to attend sacramental formation with their parents.
The Sacrament of Baptism is the beginning of an ongoing participation in the life of the faith community.
Families must be registered parishioners of St. Michael's Catholic Church. If new to our parish follow the link below or use the Parish Census Card document.
For further assistance, please contact the Parish Office on 9401 6345 or or on our enquires form located below.